Friday 4 May 2012

First NDB in Spain

I decided to record 15 mins of audio on my FRG-100 with indoor LF loop last night and when I awoke this morning I heard the morse letters "LRD" on my tape recorder: repeated clearly for over 5 mins before fading into the noise. You can imagine my delight when I looked it up on the internet and discovered it was Lleida (Lerida) NDB, 60 miles NW of Tarragona, at the airport of Alfes. This is 643 miles from my QTH and for me, this is LF DX!

Here is the LRD Beacon at Alfes airport:

 photo by Antoni SaldaƱa

A G0 friend of mine has kindly offered to lend me his Howes ASL5 Dual Bandwidth filter for NDB DXing and with a 300hz filter on CW I am looking forward to see how it performs.


  1. Looking good.

    1. Thanks Ryan. I will get that photo and snail mail off very soon! 73

    2. No worries. As I mentioned I understand how life works. We are taught.
