Hi all,
Selection of December aero logs:
8891.0 Bodo, USB wkg Emirates 30Y over Svalbard at 00 long QSY Iceland 8864 (18DEC24 0753) (AJT)
4675.0 Iceland, USB wkg Iceair 623 checking in at 30W (17DEC24 1817) (AJT)
8861.0 Dakar, USB wkg TAM8070 with level change (16DEC24 0703) (AJT)
8894.0 Nouakchott, USB wkg Air Ocean Maroc Challenger 604 QSY 133.0 (16DEC24 0701) (AJT)
8894.0 Algiers, USB wkg Turkish 538 crossing Algierian border next 123.8 (14DEC24 0650) (AJT)
8894.0 Algiers, USB wkg Algerian Air Force IL76 7T-WIQ upon departure (02DEC24 0745) (AJT)
Location: Dawlish, UK
50.5823N 3.4644W
Tecsun PL660 and telescopic whip
The Algerian and South Atlantic voice tfc can be silent for days, and then suddenly propagation conditions open up and it is quite active for a few hours or days. Still no LDOC traffic for months and months, aside from Stockholm. I've been monitoring my last known active freqs for Saudi Ops and Iberia amongst others, but can only presume LDOC voice is really infrequently used these days. I'll keep at it and post anything of interest. Thks. 73 Adam